I seem to be badly neglecting this blog. Mostly I’ve been posting random short things on facebook or twitter (mostly fb); it’s been such a busy year that I haven’t really had time to think up anything longer form that would go here. I’m afraid this update might be pretty boring too. :) Since January, eh… work is about the same. Kirsti passed her PhD comprehensive exams so she is now effectively done with everything except the dissertation. I’ve made two more As, one in computer organization (low-level programming, basically) this spring and one in programming languages (design, theory, etc.) this summer; really looking forward to compiler design this fall and the second part of the Roughgarden-taught algorithms course on Coursera (oh, made a 90% in the first part of that one too, in as much as that counts as grade). We moved to a new place in Columbia, MD that is nicer than our old apartment in almost every conceivable way; the only downside is that the hot water heater is smaller so the shower goes cold faster than I’d like.