Codermetrics sounds like old bullshit in new form

So O’Reilly is publishing a new book, called Codermetrics. The sample first chapter is linked from the product page there. I read over that and some initial thoughts made their way into irc:

 3:08 PM < volkadav> haha so there's some new oreilly 
book called Codermetrics
 3:08 PM < volkadav> which appears to be some sort of 
"we can track and quantify people and yay!!!" for the 
manager set
 3:08 PM < volkadav> i read the first chapter online 
(sample via ora's website)
 3:09 PM < volkadav> it's depressing how well it fits 
into the stereotypes i have of idiot frat boy managers
 3:09 PM < volkadav> a) lots of sports analogies
 3:09 PM <@BSDCat> stop.
 3:09 PM < volkadav> b) desperate attempts to 
quantify the unquantifiable
 3:09 PM <@BSDCat> oh please let there not be more 
than a+b
 3:10 PM < volkadav> c) main example [given in the 
first chapter] is of a team that had a series of serious 
setbacks so OF COURSE it's the fault of the two junior 
members who quit after the first year
 3:10 PM < volkadav> with METRICS and NUMBERS to prove
it couldn't POSSIBLY be management's fault
 3:11 PM < volkadav> sigh.
 3:11 PM < volkadav> i mean, yes, sure it's great that
you hired people better able to answer their own questions
 3:12 PM < volkadav> buuuuut i doubt two junior people
on a team of six+ could have run the whole thing off the 
rails by themselves, brah!
 3:12 PM < volkadav> it's like every generation has to 
discover for themselves that "Scientific Management" is and
ALWAYS HAS BEEN complete and total BULLSHIT 

[Seriously, Taylor’s methods were deeply flawed to the point of it being fraudulent to even call them science. Go read up on this stuff because it expands beyond my desire to replicate here. Then cry yourself to sleep because that egregious codswallop has been cited thousands of times in scholarly works and is the basis for a lot of so-called modern management.]

Then I got off on another rant about the differences between leadership and management that probably deserves a longer blog post at a later date. Suffice to say “frantic casting about for simple measuring tools, however desperately flawed” is a perfect hallmark of a pure-strain Manager woefully unsuited to leading human beings in any ultimately productive enterprise.

“You lead people, you manage things.” ~ Grace Hopper