the social network / facebook

Thinking of Boston (see last post), I received our copy of The Social Network on DVD a few days ago. Highly recommend this for anyone who enjoyed the film in the theaters, it’s only $13 on Amazon and the extras DVD is packed with some fairly interesting content, e.g. a long-making of vignette, lengthy interviews with Reznor, Ross and other people critical to the look and feel of the film, and so forth.

Thinking of Facebook itself, I’m kind of creeped out by them opening up home address and phone number info to third parties. I put that stuff up there to help out friends who happened to lose my contact info, but at this rate I’m thinking some of that needs to come off for security reasons. I’ll handle keeping friends updated via other channels. Increasingly glad I have this blog set up as an alternative to Facebook as insurance against them going completely into the shitter regards privacy and security.


Really looking forward to this coming weekend; I’m taking a trip to Boston to hang out with friends up there courtesy of cheap airfare on JetBlue (less than a hundred bucks round trip, cheaper than Amtrak and not all that much more than BoltBus while being considerably faster than both). I just have to make it through this week at work (urgent project that’s turning into a bit of a train-wreck for a number of client-related reasons that are too tedious to get into).