a new pc.o?!

After 15 years, I might be leaving linode. Linode has, by and large, been very good to me, and I will always be thankful for their service. Recently I got sort of a wild hair and decided to look around to see if I could get a better deal that the admittedly already de minimis amount I was paying per month. Well, long story short, I can. Hetzner is giving me twice the cpu and four times the ram for about the same price. For now, this site is still hosted on linode, but I’m in the process of moving things. The only “drawback” per se is the new server is hosted in the EU and not the US, which means some degree of added hassle if I need to vpn into a US address space to access something. It’s amazing what capabilities you can get for ~$5/mo these days, though.

UPDATE: Site moved (give or take, depending on dns propagation delay). If you experience unexpected weirdness, reach out!